World Systems Or Kingdom Principles
God does not have to come in some man-made system to save us! He didn’t come through a man-made system to save Noah and his family. He didn’t come through a man-made system to save Lot. In the days of Noah and in Sodom and Gomorrah the people refused the system of God and in doing so they turned their back upon their only hope and means of survival! Both the world systems in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot were proven to be rotten to the very core.
Power & Virtue of Motherhood
When you pervert and destroy the power and virtue of real motherhood you break the backbone of a nation. It has been mothers who done most of the praying when that child was sent to the war zone. Mother’s done most of the praying when that baby was starting school. Right there is the real backbone of the nation!
Faith vs Satan’s Wisdom
The Wisdom of God is to stay with the Word! Satan’s wisdom is to turn you from the Word! This great battle between Faith and Satan’s wisdom has been raging here on earth ever since Eden and in every age the battle grows stronger.
Overcoming Unbelief
“Shall He Find Faith On The Earth” (Luke 18:8) - God is not known by reason and human logic! God is known by Faith! The generals of Hebrews 11 all Believed God.
The Wages of Perversion And Filth
There are wages for sin. There are consequences for a nation that forgets God. With some of the people that our nation has repeatedly put in office to be our government leaders there has to be a consequence.
Satan’s Trinity Cannot Stop The Ordained of God!
They crucified His body of flesh but they could not crucify the God that was housed in that body. They could not crucify the Word! They could not crucify the command of God! That same spirit is on a furious mission here in this present age. Satan knows he cannot crucify The Word so he resorts to an all-out effort
They could in no wise crucify the command of God! - Part #2
Though in that age the spirit was manifest in the physical it’s the same spirit being manifest now in the spiritual. Though through their hostile anger they crucified His body of flesh they could in no wise stop the command of God!
They could in no wise crucify the command of God! - Part #1
The same spirit that was upon a people when they indicted and crucified Jesus is upon a people today. It was all because of jealousy, ignorance and blindness. Though It was physical then it’s spiritual today!
Light In The Evening Time
The children of God are not destined for some dismal dark day of dreary depression! Who are the workers of this world’s darkness? It is the religious theologians and those carrying out the Babylonian systems of darkness that want all dependency and trust to be placed in them. It was Satan himself, who said, “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God”. Spiritual wickedness in high places and the rulers of the darkness of this world can only rule in darkness.