Satan’s Trinity Cannot Stop The Ordained of God!

They crucified His body of flesh but they could not crucify the God that was housed in that body. They could not crucify the Word! They could not crucify the command of God! That same spirit is on a furious mission here in this present age. Satan knows he cannot crucify The Word so he resorts to an all-out effort to crucify the effects of The Gospel upon the people. Mark 7:13 “Making the Word of God of None Effect Through Your Traditions, Which Ye Have Delivered: And Many Such Like Things Do Ye”.   

Note how this is crucifying the affect the Gospel of Christ would have upon the people! What happens, “So you nullify the (authority of the) Word of God (acting as if it did not apply) because of your tradition which you have handed down (through the elders). And you do many such as that”. Here in this present age that same spirit is working furiously through Satan’s trinity. 

Government, Science and Religion all working together to crucify the effect of the Gospel of Jesus Christ upon the people. The very actions of that spirit is saying, the Word of God doesn’t apply here, science has invalidated and canceled out what the Word has to say. 1 Timothy 4;1 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; (2) Speaking lies and hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron”. All these can do is blasphemy the Word, they can never stop The Word! The Word of God is just as strong today as it was hundreds of years ago! Just as that spirit is being manifest there is another Spirit manifesting, The Spirit of Thus Saith The Lord!

The Spirit of The Word of God Rest Upon His Own Word, And He Will Reflect Himself Through a People In This Age! Satan’s Trinity Cannot Stop The Ordained of God!


The Wages of Perversion And Filth


They could in no wise crucify the command of God! - Part #2