The Wages of Perversion And Filth

There are wages for sin. There are consequences for a nation that forgets God. With some of the people that our nation has repeatedly put in office to be our government leaders there has to be a consequence. You can’t expect such corruption and perversion to be put in as leadership and there not be a recompense. The killing and torture of the unborn. Same sex marriage. Men with men. Women with women. Transgender issues. Gay pride. Sex education and the giving out of condoms in our schools. Drag queen story reading hours. In Wisconsin, a young teen gets arrested while reading his Bible. Teachers lose their jobs for standing against this being brought in for them to teach. Businesses are shut down if this goes against their Biblical convictions to be a part of such.


Remember, God did not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah while Lot was in the city. God said, He would not destroy the city if He could find even 5 righteous there. Then look at Egypt. The children of Israel were present in Egypt when the dark storm of plagues hit the land but God made away for His people in the midst of the storm. In the midst of the I storm Israel started witnessing the miraculous power of God, in so much there was not one feeble one amongst them. They witnessed the storm while experiencing the Glory! They witnessed God judging the nation of Israel while they were experiencing the miraculous saving power of their God!

Though many “religious” circles don’t want to admit there are consequences that this nation is going to have to face. However, I must say, God Has A Number In This Present Day And Age! A people He has held in reserve for His own purpose! Yes, God has a strong remnant of believers who will not compromise Truth for a lie and they will not suffer the wages of the ungodly! We must lead others to the place of shelter before they are caught in the storm without a shelter. We Must Point Them To Jesus before the fullness of these consequences are unleashed upon this nation. I believe there will be one more great move that will shine an evening time light bringing in a final harvest. Zac 14:7 speaks of an evening time light and I believe it will bring a great uniting of this end-time Bride of Christ. This gross darkness that many of the voters in this nation has repeatedly supported will not dwell in the camp of the righteous! Arise And Shine For The Light Has Come And The Glory of The Lord Has Risen Upon Thee! This Light will expel all darkness from the camp of the Royal Righteous Seed of God! The Household Of Faith Shall Not Be Down Cast, She Is To Be Clothed In Glory!

Those who forsake all to follow Him will not know the darkness of the stormy consequences!

Blessings Be In Jesus Mighty Name!


Overcoming Unbelief


Satan’s Trinity Cannot Stop The Ordained of God!