Overcoming Unbelief

“Shall He Find Faith On The Earth” (Luke 18:8)

God is not known by reason and human logic! God is known by Faith! The generals of Hebrews 11 all Believed God. Then look how Hebrews 12 begins. 

(1)”Wherefore seeing we are compasses about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doeth so easily beset us; and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. (2) Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…”


Lay aside every weight and the sin! SIN IS UNBELIEF and can only be overcome by hearing of the Word of God! Every Redemptive Blessing Was Paid For At Calvary and God wants every born again believer to claim them!. Now, It’s Getting The People To Believe It, Accept It And Receive It!


(John 5:4) Faith is our victory that overcomes the world! To overcome the world is to overcome the spirit of the world! To overcome the world is to overcome the rulers of the darkness of this world. The spirit of this world rest on it’s Intellectual Pride and Human Reasonings. and To Many, This Has Become Their National Spirit. This crafty subtle spirit of unbelief must be overcome! This spirit operates today in satan’s trinity of false religion, science and a Babylonian world government system. This is the same spirit that showed up in the garden to turn Eve from keeping her trust in Thus Saith The Lord! The faith of a believer rest on nothing other than The Word of God. There is an inexhaustible fountain of life that our faith can draw from! God wants His children to ask and ask big! “Ye Have Not, Because Ye Ask Not”.Have Faith In God!


We are not on a picnic. We are The Victorious Army of God on the battlefield facing the enemy!


Faith vs Satan’s Wisdom


The Wages of Perversion And Filth