Faith vs Satan’s Wisdom

The Wisdom of God is to stay with the Word! Satan’s wisdom is to turn you from the Word! This great battle between Faith and Satan’s wisdom has been raging here on earth ever since Eden and in every age the battle grows stronger. Wisdom and Faith are the 2 sources mankind draws his spiritual light from and this is why Satan began sowing his seed of wisdom in earth. God authored Faith and Satan offered wisdom. Satan’s wisdom tries to appear that he is offering you something higher than the Word. Satan’s wisdom tries to get you into a knowledge produced by reasoning and human logic, by presenting what looks like a better and easier way. Satan’s wisdom tries to make the Word say something other than what it actually says. This is the same thing he did in the garden with Eve when he said, “You shall not surly die”. Satan’s wisdom has brought filth, perversion and contamiNATION to this earth and according to The Word, she has been groaning ever since. The one pronounced punishment for turning from The Word is death! When Eve accepted Satan’s wisdom over Faith, Faith could no longer grow in her! When Satan came against Jesus in the wilderness, he was putting his wisdom against the Word of God. Jesus was and is The Word! This showdown in the wilderness was won by the Word! The great battle of Satan’s wisdom verses Faith in The Word is found today with Satan operating in his trinity. (False Religion, A Babylonian World Government System and Science.) Satan’s One purpose of mind is to get man to disbelieve in The Word of God! The wisdom of this world wants to discredit the Word and bring unbelief with its punishment of death.


Faith and trust in The Word of God brings life! God wanted the complete human race to Trust In His Word just like Abraham who was called The Father of Many Nations.  

Regardless of what is taking place in our nation, Keep The Faith and Stay With The Word! Regardless of any battle in your mind Stay with what is written! 

1 John 5:4

Faith Overcomes

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