Power & Virtue of Motherhood

When you pervert and destroy the power and virtue of real motherhood you break the backbone of a nation. It has been mothers who done most of the praying when that child was sent to the war zone. Mother’s done most of the praying when that baby was starting school. Right there is the real backbone of the nation!

Proverbs 31, Speaks of a Virtuous Woman, The Wife of A Husband, A Mother.

(26) Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. (28) Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also; and he praiseeth her.

The virtuous standard of motherhood is not set by some politician it’s set by The Word of God!

The Word of God is clear! The first bride (Eve)was a woman and she became the first mother. Therefore, motherhood became coupled with womanhood and in no wise can motherhood become coupled with manhood.

This Biblical standard of Motherhood doesn’t need to be redefined by by satan’s trinity of false religion, modern day science and corrupt government. Neither does motherhood need to be redefined by some Hollywood goddess. To decouple womanhood from motherhood you would have to stand against the Word of God. The Reproduction Law of God Is, Let Everything Bring-Forth After Its Own Kind.

In the human community the only natural way of reproduction is 2 of opposite sex and not 2 of the same sex. 2 of the same sex has no natural means of reproduction! Satan’s trinity wants to divest those who declare Biblical Truth! We are not looking for a political Messiah! 

You cannot decouple Womanhood from Motherhood without denying the written Word of God. In no wise can The Biblical standard of true virtuous motherhood be disconnected from true virtuous womanhood.


John 16:21 “A WOMAN when she is in travail hath sorrow; (SHE is in labor and having pain) because HER hour is come; but AS SOON AS SHE IS DELIVERED OF THE CHILD, (SHE has given birth) SHE remembers no more. the anguish, for (HER) joy that a man is born unto the world.”


Satan knows if in the mind of the people he can redefine motherhood even if he has to decouple it from womanhood, he breaks the real backbone of a nation. Forget it not! There Is A Real Power And Virtue In The Biblical Standard of Motherhood. For a true believer to redefine Motherhood and decouple it with any connection of womanhood would mean to do away with what is written.


World Systems Or Kingdom Principles


Faith vs Satan’s Wisdom