They could in no wise crucify the command of God! - Part #2
Though in that age the spirit was manifest in the physical it’s the same spirit being manifest now in the spiritual. Though through their hostile anger they crucified His body of flesh they could in no wise stop the command of God!
They could in no wise crucify the command of God! - Part #1
The same spirit that was upon a people when they indicted and crucified Jesus is upon a people today. It was all because of jealousy, ignorance and blindness. Though It was physical then it’s spiritual today!
Light In The Evening Time
The children of God are not destined for some dismal dark day of dreary depression! Who are the workers of this world’s darkness? It is the religious theologians and those carrying out the Babylonian systems of darkness that want all dependency and trust to be placed in them. It was Satan himself, who said, “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God”. Spiritual wickedness in high places and the rulers of the darkness of this world can only rule in darkness.
God Has A People In The Land
God has a people in the land who are not afraid to separate themselves from the world and its ungodly agendas. A people who are not afraid to be identified with true Biblical Pentecost!
God's Priceless Treaaures
Never confuse those natural Gifts and Blessings with your Priceless Treasures! Yes it is of great truth our Heavenly Father wants His children to suffer no lack in this life!
The Unveiling!
The Unveiling! The last book of the Bible is the only book in which Jesus Himself came on the scene, appearing personally to the writer. It is the "Revelation of Jesus Christ"
Sons and Daughters of God
Our relation to God the Father as sons and daughters brings us to the same relation as Jesus had to Him when He walked here upon this earth! According to His unfailing Word, with all certainty you can know He is your Father (Jn 14:21;23).
Who Are They?
They are born again Holy Ghost filled believers and partakers of the life of God! They are a spirit being, born of the supernatural!
The Mighty God
"The Mighty God" Hero, Is often defined as follows. 1. "One that shows great courage"