Light In The Evening Time

     “From The Rising of The Sun Unto The Going Down of The Same, The Lord’s Name Is To Be Praised”.

 If the sun is rising in the morning time, or if it seems to be setting low and casting her evening shadow, we still lift high the name of Jesus. Zachariah 14:7, The prophet said, “…At Evening Time It Shall Be Light”. Whether the sun is coming up in the morning or if it seems she is casting her evening shadows, I refuse to give space for any part of my day to be darkened by doubt, fear or unwanted circumstance. Religious theologians want to darken our day by saying;

” healing and miracles are a thing of the past. God only gave that power and authority to the 12 He chose back then! God doesn’t want you to prosper financially.” This is not true, God wants YOU to be the lender and not the borrower! Because, as long as you are the borrower you will always remain a servant to the lender!

Religious spiritual wickedness wants to cloud up your day and darken it, leaving you with no light of hope, only religious bondages! Corrupt Governments and rulers of darkness want to cloud up your day and turn it into a state of nothing but a dreary depression. These leaders would much rather you look to them than anchor your faith and trust in the Lord God Jehovah. They would much rather you believe their deception than believe the report of The Lord!

Just as the sun is considered the star at the center of the solar system, Jesus Christ the Son, the Word of God, is the star centered in the faith walk of all born again believers!  

As we see the sun rising upon the earth in the east we call it morning time. Appearing to the natural eye it makes its journey westward shinning upon every continent and Island, shinning upon both land and seas. As sunlight strikes the earth, seed brings forth fruit at its appointed time. Then, as the sun starts setting in the west, we call it evening time. We have seen civilization travel in the same direction as the sun, from the east to the west. As civilization moved westward so has the message of the Son. From that upper room in Jerusalem, we can follow the message of Christ the Son, as it traveled from the east to the west. It made a leap into Germany, raising up a man by the name of Martin Luther who preached Justification. We have seen that light of the Holy Spirit cross the English Channel into England, lighting upon John Wesley, raising him up with a message of sanctification. Just as the star centered in our solar system shines on westward we can see another star making His great move westward, His light striking an ordained seed in the earth bringing forth fruit in his appointed time. He crosses over the great Atlantic Ocean making His way to a little prayer meeting in a school house located in a very remote area near Murphy, N. C. where He lights upon 100 to 120 people, baptizing them in the Holy Ghost and Fire. He continues moving westward lighting in Topeka, Kansas, with another move of Pentecost. Then on westward to Los Angeles California, where he rested upon a people gathered in a little house. Here, the great Azusa St Revival was birthed.

When this star centered in our solar system has displayed its brilliancy across the face of the earth, from the farthest point east to the far west it can only end up one place and that’s right back where it started.

Israel be not weary, your time is coming!

“It Shall Be Light In The Evening Time”

The children of God are not destined for some dismal dark day of dreary depression! Who are the workers of this world’s darkness? It is the religious theologians and those carrying out the Babylonian systems of darkness that want all dependency and trust to be placed in them. It was Satan himself, who said, “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God”. Spiritual wickedness in high places and the rulers of the darkness of this world can only rule in darkness.

Our solar system is made up of 8 planets in orbit around the sun, along with smaller bodies of asteroids, comets and so on. There are also powers and principalities of the air. Greater still, there is a people seated in heavenly places, far above it all. They are a body of believers seated, positioned with their Star that is eternally illuminous! They are compassed about with a great cloud of witnesses. Zachariah 14:7, The Prophet said, “At Evening Time It Shall Be Light.” Evening time is getting ready to cast her dark shadow upon the religious world system just as it cast its shadow upon the wicked Jezebel and her prophets of Baal.

Watchmen, What Time Is It? We can see the sun is going down and getting ready to cast her dark shadow upon Babylonian corrupt government systems as it was cast upon Saul, as it was cast upon Pharaoh and his Egyptian army. “Israel is awakening and nations are breaking the signs that the Bible foretold”.

As A Born Again, Holy Ghost Filled Believer, you are not of this world or its darkness! You are in this world but you are not of it. The true seed of God refuses to allow the limitations of science to cloud their day! The ordained of God refuses to allow corrupt failing governments to inject fear into their soul or spirit! The anointed of God refuses to allow blind, religious theologians to cloud up their day with some powerless form of godliness! Doubt and fear are all of darkness and light has no fellowship with them! The Elect Seed of God Will Rejoice And Be Glad In This Day of World Darkness, They Know Their Redemption Draweth Nigh! They Have No Fellowship With The Unfruitful Works of Darkness! The evening time darkness of failing corrupt governments and religious theologians will have no power over this evening time light! The evening light is still of that same sun that came up in the morning eastern sky! When that star, the sun, that our solar system is centered around, when she, with all the heavenly bodies in orbit begins to bear her evening time light and casting her evening shadow, she is bringing an end, a closing of another calendar day. If there is an evening time light then there is an evening time message! There is an evening time revelation of truth and that is a Jesus Faith Message! As the star centered in our solar system is getting ready to cast her evening shadow upon this world’s corrupt Babylonian system, she is saying one thing, “their abominable day is numbered and is coming to an end.”

 When this world’s systems are falling apart and failing that Glorious Star centered in the faith walk of the believer will continue in brilliancy, bringing forth a performance of His Promised Word! Have Faith In God!

               Gene Wiseman December 2022


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