The Power Of Revelation
I know there are many of you who are already acquainted with what became known as the 2008 ‘Amber Vision.’ In this vision I saw the lands, the nations, Islands and continents of the world all covered in what appeared to be a global darkness,
Held In Reserve For This Hour!
From the four corners of the earth, true anointed Sons and Daughters of God are now arising with strong deep convictions! Their convictions are based upon deep seated Bible Truths of The Word and are now surfacing from an inward depth of the new creature.
Jezebel's Evil Openly Announced
Why did God publicly announce Jezebel as evil? Why are scriptures set forth in the New Testament to inform us of her venomous end-time deceptions? Why did Elijah boldly denounce her in public?
America's Self Invited Troubles
Perhaps one of the greatest miracles of all is when God stands over the devil and speaks these words “Let that man go! Let that woman go! Take your hands off of that child!” This is results of Revival! When I hear “Make America Great Again” I hear a call for our land to be healed.
Lying Spirits and Corrupt Government
One of the darkest Old Testament recordings of “Corrupt Government” was in the days of King Ahab and his wife Jezebel. (Watch carefully and you will see the similarities of today). Hatred, greed, deceit, murder, incest to its fullest degree; the bringing in of false god’s and idol worship, all in order to turn the nation of the Israelites away from the God of their Fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The Golden End Of The Wheat
All of the plant is not seed! The blade is not seed! The Stalk is not seed! The husk is not seed! However, all of this is a carrier of the same life that is in the seed! In this example it is so easy for the believer to see Christ in His Church,
God's Priceless Treaaures
Never confuse those natural Gifts and Blessings with your Priceless Treasures! Yes it is of great truth our Heavenly Father wants His children to suffer no lack in this life!
The Two Vines
In the second chapter of Acts it was at Pentecost in Jerusalem where the Church was born and the “True Vine” brought forth its first original branch! That original branch manifested the very life of God, the life of the “True Vine” was flowing forth in that branch and the fruit came forth in super abundance.
“Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.