The Power Of Revelation


I know there are many of you who are already acquainted with what became known as the 2008 ‘Amber Vision.’ In this vision I saw the lands, the nations, Islands and continents of the world all covered in what appeared to be a global darkness, and in the midst of this darkness suddenly I saw lights as they started springing forth. It was if someone was hitting a circuit-breaker and flipping switches on. Individual lights began to shine in various communities around the world and these lights began to expel all darkness in their surroundings! I was taken into this vision April 13 2008 at 3:30 am and it all began with me hearing these words. “There Are Ambers Lying All Over The Ground On Prayer Mountain.” Then following these words, I saw a great number of people who made up a mighty wall of fire and they looked like a marching army that could not be stopped! Then following, was the sight of the global heavy darkness! It was about two months later after taken into the vision that, Zona, Brother Norvel Hayes daughter connected me with Sister Billye Brim at Prayer Mountain in The Ozarks and Israel.

We can now see In the midst of this present world there is an undeniable increase of ‘a spirit of darkness’ being unleashed across the land injecting great anger, fear and panic! At the same time there is an awakening awareness and consciousness of an absolute higher power ‘A Spirit of Divine Illumination’ but what is this ‘Spirit of Illumination’ that will expel the darkness?

I am asking you to read Matthew 16:13-20 and I want to emphasize “read it just as it is written” taking note of these few points! The question is put forth by Jesus Himself to His disciples “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” Then the question becomes more personal “Whom say ye that I am?” Peter speaks up “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Now pay close attention to Jesus answering Peter (17) “Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not ‘REVEALED’ it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.” Now remember, Father God is a Spirit! Catch this, The Spirit Gives Revelation and To Whom The Holy Spirit Gives Revelation, God Himself Calls Them Blessed! Revelation 1:3 lets us know we are blessed just by reading the book of Revelation! Here in Matthew, God called Peter ‘blessed’ because he had received this revelation by the ‘Spirit.’ Never forget, ‘Spiritual Revelation’ does not come by human wisdom, neither does it come by natural human endowment or human reasoning! Neither does it come by some scholastic theologian! Paul said, “Which things also we speak; not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual” (1 Co 2:13). Revelation of The Word of God, being a work of the Holy Ghost has to come by the Holy Ghost! It takes the same Spirit to interpret the Word that moved upon men of old to write the Word! Pay close attention to the way verse (18) is written! “Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” There is nothing more firm or solid than God given revelation of the Word! Neither is there any prevailing power likened unto revelation of the Word of God in one’s life! If you can receive it! This plainly tells us there is no other power likened unto revelation of His Word! With true God given revelation in the life of a believer, the darkness of hell cannot prevail against them! They will prevail against hell!

We can never over express what God given revelation of the Word really means to the Church!

Nothing! Absolutely nothing carries prevailing power like revelation of the Word! With God given Revelation of the Word in your life you can’t help but be blessed! God given revelation of His Word in the life of a believer is as powerful and prevailing as light is over darkness! With God given revelation in your life you will stand in the Spirit of Illumination no matter what kind of darkness satan unleashes upon the land.

Just what does this word ‘Revelation’ mean? What is its importance insomuch that a complete book, in fact, the last book of the Bible would carry the name “The Revelation of Jesus Christ?” Paul, spoke of the ‘abundance of Revelations’ that had been given to him (2 Co 12:7). Peter Said, “Gird up the loins of your mind (brace up your mind) be sober (circumspect, morally alert) and hope to the end (set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace ‘divine favor’) for the grace that is brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ ‘The Messiah’ (1 Peter 1:13). Paul, referred to revelation as a secret, a mystery that had been made known to him (Eph. 3:3). Paul, spoke of “The revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world begin” (Ro 16:26). One of the meanings of ‘Revelation’ is to ‘lighten.’ God given revelation into one’s life could easily and accurately be termed ‘Unveiled Truth!’ We are at a time when there is a great spirit of darkness being released upon the earth as I saw in the 2008 amber vision and it is taking hold of many even to a degree this generation has never witnessed. You may call me negative but the Bible tells and forewarns of this darkness that is increasing right now before our eyes! However, let us be reminded, as God given revelation knowledge of the Word increases in the lives of the believers there will be an increase of the Spirit of Illumination seen upon those who are of the household of faith!

Don’t forget this, satan is very cunning and crafty and there will seem to be intervals or moments of let up with this ‘spirit of darkness’ but we must not give into complacency in those deceptive moments of only a temporary let up!

During a time of dark famine in the land, the prophet Elijah spoke by revelation knowledge into the life of a widow in Zarephath and as she received and acted upon it her meal barrel never went dry during that dark time (1 Kings 17 8-16). According to scriptures, Elijah was a man of STRONG EARNEST PRAYER, REVELATION WORD AND ILLUMINATING GLORY (catch those 3 attributes there). By the mouth of the prophet Elisha, revelation was spoken into the life of a widow concerning her and her two sons. During a most dark time for this widow and her sons you could easily say, by Revelation Word, God set that family up in the oil business, bringing them into a debt-free life style (2 Kings 41:-7). As the apostle Paul calls it ‘The Abundance of Revelations.’

This Spirit of Illumination will rest and remain upon the ordained of God and it is solely a work of the Holy Ghost, bringing Divine Revelation of The Word of God into their lives! Not long ago I was awakened in the night time hours after hearing these words “What God Has Ordained Cannot Be Stopped” (of which I will later be speaking of in another written post).

Let it be known to all men everywhere, both young and old, small and great, rich or poor ‘The Spirit of Illumination In The Life Of A True Believer Prevails’ and will expel the darkness around Him or Her! As born again believers of the Word we are now sons and daughters of the household of faith! By Revelation! By ‘Unveiled Truths’ the Word has become alive to us and in us! The Bible is much more than just a nice little book with some nice little scriptures! The Word has been quickened in our spirit and in our life! We stand illuminated by end-time revelation! The mysteries are being revealed! Like a mighty army we fearlessly arise to the occasion of this hour! We will let our Light Shine in darkness! We will stand with the apostle Paul and declare, YES, WE WILL COME TO VISIONS AND REVELATIONS OF THE LORD OF GLORY! We Prevail Over The Very Gates Of Hell!

By Gene Wiseman


Satan Hates Revelation


Held In Reserve For This Hour!