Satan Hates Revelation


While a great and strong remnant of ‘True Believers’ everywhere are now receiving ‘True Revelation’ of just what the ‘True Church’ is and what she stands for, Satan and all hell stands horrified! Satan himself knows, nothing short of the original Church of Pentecost is the one and only Church that Jesus Christ Himself boldly claims as His very own!

Satan knows without any doubt, the Church described in Mark 16 (In Action) is the ‘True Church,’ and anything other than this is nothing more than some fake sham.

How does Satan know this? He knows without question, that Jesus Christ is unchangeable in both His nature and His ways. Sometimes it seems Satan knows this more than many of the professing Christians of our day! James 2:19 says “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” Satan himself positively believes that there is only one unchangeable, immutable God and His ways are unchangeable. Heb. 13:8 reads “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today and forever.” In Hebrews 6; 17-18 the apostle Paul speaks of the immutability (unchangeableness) of the counsel of God, the unchangeableness of His purpose and plan. Therefore, with all certainty, Satan knows, the unchangeable Christ dwelling in the ‘True Church’ today in the power of the Holy Ghost, is an absolute continuation of nothing other than the original, True Church of Pentecost.

The Book of Acts is a continuance of the ‘True Church’ and the ‘Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ’ reveals Christ in the church, while at the same time it exposes Satan’s antichrist works to defile it making it lukewarm.

Catch This, Even Satan himself knows assuredly that when the Church disbelieves him and anchors their trust upon Revelation of The Word of God they will become a mighty army, one too powerful to be conquered or overcome.

Rejoice and Let it be known, here in this present age, it is now one of the most horrifying times in all history for Satan and his gates of hell! He knows the ‘Workings of The Holy Spirit’ is once again uncovering, exposing and letting the people know of his hidden works and agenda.

 Satan is most confident of this! As the ‘True Church,’ by and through the workings of Holy Ghost, receives ‘True Revelation of The Word’ in their lives, they will not only walk in an increased powerful discernment of the two spirits, both ‘Christ’ and ‘antichrist,’ but they will take a bold and unwavering stand against him and his dark kingdom!

 Satan utterly hates revelation spoken into the life of a ‘True Believer.’ Why? The True Church of Mark 16 in action, filled with Revelation of The Word of God is far too powerful to ever be defeated or overcome, even by the gates of hell. By Revelation, the Word of God becomes quickened (made alive) in the life of a True Believer!

Just as we cannot over emphasize the power of ‘True Revelation’ in the ‘True Church,’ neither can it be over emphasized just how much Satan hates Revelation of the Word spoken into the life of a True Believer!’

Satan, without question, knows the ‘Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ’ reveals Christ in His Church and exposes the antichrist spirit in his every attempt to intertwine himself with the true-vine! How does he attempt this? By his efforts to discredit The Word!                       

 Satan hates that book, because he knows that book exposes and reveals not only his deception, but his end in the lake of fire with all his evil followers! Satan hates ‘Biblical Revelation’ because it is the revealing and uncovering of Biblical hidden truths and mysteries! Revelation Unveils! Revelation Exposes! Revelation Enlightens!

May it be known to all men everywhere! Hell holds no opposing forces that can possibly stand victorious over such an army filled with True Revelation of The Word! He knows such an army is invincible! Such an army is utterly incapable of being conquered, overcome or defeated by the Gates of Hell.

Onward Christian Soldiers We Will Not Break Rank!

By Gene Wiseman


What God Has Ordained Cannot Be Stopped!


The Power Of Revelation