What God Has Ordained Cannot Be Stopped!


It was in early February of this year (2020) while sleeping in the night I heard these powerful words sounding forth like a mighty trumpet, “What God Has Ordained Cannot Be Stopped!” Even in my sleep I had knowledge I was in the very presence of God Himself! The anointing and the Glory of His Presence was far too extraordinary to describe

Upon hearing these powerful words I arose out of sleep still conscious that I was in His presence! I awoke worshiping and praising God as I sensed His presence filling the room! In no way could I go back to sleep until perhaps somewhere around two hours later.

After drifting back to sleep I had another encounter totally the opposite. Though asleep during this second encounter as well. I was taken into a meeting where there was a lady with blond hair doing the speaking. This lady was very well dressed, appeared to be very educated and intellectually polished by all world standards. She was somewhat ‘religiously’ trying to carry the meeting forth like she too was a part of this assembly of believers, but even in my sleep I discerned she was there solely for evil and wicked political purposes. She was in every way trying to intimidate the true believers of the Gospel of Christ in an all-out effort to make them feel all their work was worthless, in vane and they were accomplishing nothing! She summed up her speech with this statement “Every work of a Christian Believer is totally pointless.” I could clearly discern in her presentation she was trying to intimidate the believers and at the same time she was trying to imitate a true believer. Though it was evident, her every attempt was to completely discredit the Word of God! It was also quite clear she was trying to intertwine herself in with the branches of God’s True Vine. I knew she was appointed by Satan in a launched effort to use her worldly intellectual wisdom to come against what God had appointed and ordained! Just as in the previous encounter about two hours earlier that night I knew I was in the presence of God, well, in this second encounter I knew I was in the presence of Satan and his diabolical works.

Let it be known, at this very moment, there are moves and decisions being made in high places to intimidate and discredit the Word of God in The Church today. Moves and attempts are being made to do away with what the assembling of true believers is all about! Moves and attempts to discredit ‘True Pentecost!’ Attempts to discredit the power and authority of a True Believer as well as the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ! My spirit was grieved beyond expression as I was driving past the liquor store and the parking lot looked completely full as more automobiles were trying to make their way in to grab the next available space to park, while at the same time church assembly doors were closed and under lock-down as they were considered non-essential. To some extent I can agree, God could be saying my ministry needs to go beyond your four walls. While on the other hand, liquor stores crowded and places of worship closed and under lock down (in no way is this the will of God)! Such a far cry from ‘The Faith That Was Once Delivered Unto The Saints” (Jude 3). I could spend much time on what the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me concerning both of these encounters the same night in early February, but as you already know, ‘We Need To Continue In Strong Fervent Prayer!’ Remember! What God Has Ordained Cannot Be Stopped! “Ordain” Is to appoint! Let me ask you, can anything or anyone refute or stop what God has appointed and ordained? Could anything or anyone stop Noah in his appointed hour? Could anything stop Elijah in the hour of his ordination? Could anything stop David when he stood before the giant in his appointed day? The answer is No! To “Appoint” Is “to sit or make to stand.” Appoint also means “To appoint a person to a position of authority.” Then if God has an appointed ordained positioned people of spiritual authority for this hour, who or what can stop them! God has His number that He has appointed for this hour, and they will not break rank! God is positioning and sitting His ordained men and women into a greater realm of spiritual authority and there they will stand! While at the same time, Satan too has his appointed ones who appear well-groomed, highly educated and polished by world academic standards and quite often they can become extremely religious as well! Be not forgetful of the fact, Satan also has them appointed and positioned for this hour! Some of Satan’s appointed ones can quote scripture with chapter and verse much quicker than some of Gods appointed ones, yet they will stand powerless before The Ordained of God!

Let those little tares go on and perform with all their scholastic works of excellence, but This Ordained Appointed End-Time Wheat Church Will Not Be Stopped! They Are Appointed By God, And They Know It! They carry a wisdom far beyond that which can only be gained by the five human senses and it’s a wisdom which confounds the wise and prudent of this world! We Are Appointed and Positioned By God Himself To Conquer and Take Dominion In Jesus Name! Remember and never forget this, No Power Seen or Unseen Can Resist That Name! Yes, We Will Humbly And Boldly Fulfill Our Ordination!

By Gene Wiseman


Revelation Brings Inspiration


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