Revelation Brings Inspiration


The Apostle Paul saw the great importance and need not only within the Ephesian Church, but for all believers to have ‘The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in The Knowledge of Jesus Christ.’ He knew their highest and most lofty of all inspirations would not come to them by the scholarly academic wisdom of man, but it would only come by ‘Divine Wisdom and Revelation of The Word.’ It is clearly evident, Paul sees and places a great significant value of importance in ‘Revelation of The Word’ in so much, it appears he practically lived on his knees on behalf of the Ephesian Saints concerning this! (Eph. 1:16-17).

In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he told them he was always making mention of them in prayer concerning ‘Revelation’ that the eyes of their heart would be enlightened with understanding. Paul knew it would be through a divine flood of ‘Spiritual Revelation and Enlightenment’ for not only these Ephesian Saints, but for all believers, to measure the immeasurable and limitless greatness of God’s power within themselves.

Paul expresses his strong love and desire for those Ephesian Saints to be filled with all the fullness of God throughout their total being. (Eph. 3:19). Paul wanted them to know he was fully aware that they could only come to know and discover these great truths by and through ‘Spiritual Wisdom and Revelation through the Knowledge of Jesus Christ’ and for this cause he ceased not to mention them in his praying.

Without question, Paul was well acquainted with the undeniable power of prayer, and its undeniable direct connection with Divine Revelation. The first recorded report of Paul upon his conversion is found in Acts 9:11, when the Lord spoke to Ananias in a vision concerning Paul and said, “Behold He Prayeth.” From the time of his conversion throughout his ministry you can easily see Paul was a man of much prayer.

Paul knew assuredly, ‘Spiritual Wisdom along with Revelation Enlightenment’ would be the highest of all influencing agents that could move and anchor the Ephesian Saints in ‘Truth and Power!’ Therefore, he was willing to live on his knees in prayer on their behalf. He knew that only ‘God given Revelation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ’ would bring inspiration of the highest and greatest of all possibilities into their lives.

Fresh Revelation of The Word of God, Will Always Bring The Right Inspiration To Move The Church Into A Much Needed Action, Causing Her To Arise To The Challenge of The Day And Hour!

Paul knew with having their hearts flooded with the light of ‘Revelation and Understanding’ upon the glorious hope they had been called to, and if they would comprehend just how rich and glorious an inheritance had been placed in them, then they would be awakened to the creative power and God given abilities they had within themselves. Paul’s desire was for them to awaken to what they presently possessed by and through the Holy Spirit!

It is an absolute certainty, Paul wanted not only these Ephesian Saints, but all believers to not just have mere head knowledge of this great Love of God, he also wanted them to come to know and continuously be experiencing God’s immeasurable love for themselves. (Eph. 3:19). His strong attachment to these Ephesian Saints compelled him to continually mention them in prayer that they may be filled throughout with the presence of God and become a body covered, filled and submerged with God Himself.

Paul’s continual bold and powerful prayer for ‘The Spirit Of Wisdom And Revelation In The Knowledge Of Jesus Christ’ for these Ephesian Saints sets forth nothing less than a most perfect model of a real shepherd, apostle and prophet sent by God.

Paul never at one time was found encouraging a long babyhood! He taught, babies were to grow, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. He never once gave any encouragement to the elders that they had to settle for a life of feebleness and infirmities. If anything, Paul taught instead of feebleness, ‘They shall still bring forth fruit in old age.” (Psalms 92:14). Look how Epaphras was always laboring fervently for the Colossians in prayer that they may “stand perfect and complete in ‘all’ the will of God” (Col: 4-12).

Without question, Paul saw the need for ‘The Spirit of Revelation of The Word’ in these Ephesian Saints in-so-much that he was willing to lay himself out in prayer, even an exhaustive laboring prayer for this cause! This Ephesian Church is even mentioned in the ‘Book of Revelation.’ Even though there were some Jews present ‘The Church at Ephesus’ is the first recorded amongst the seven gentile churches in Asia. (Revelations 2:1).

Paul himself states that he was the God appointed apostle to the Gentiles (Romans 11:13) and let me say, Oh how good it would be if ministers today would follow his example in prayer!

There is no other inspirational influencing substitute that will ever move ‘The church’ into action like “The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ.” Jesus Himself said, “Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church.”

This is why when Paul laid hands upon those Ephesians, the Holy Ghost came upon them and they spoke with tongues and began to prophecy! (Acts 19:6). This is why, God brought special miracles by the hands of Paul! (Acts 19:11). From Paul’s body handkerchiefs and aprons were brought unto the sick, and diseases departed, and evil spirits went out of them. Paul expresses how the gospel he preached was not according to human standards because it came directly to him only by ‘Revelation of Jesus Christ.’ (Gal.1:11-12). Paul clearly operated under the influence of Divine inspirational faith which came to him by ‘Revelation in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ’ (The Word).

Revelation of ‘Jesus the Word’ given by the Holy Ghost was the one and only influencing agent that moved the ministry of Paul into such powerful action!

Paul being an apostle sent by God and not sent by some denominational council in Jerusalem meant one thing, he was not held under bondage to the religious ideas and traditions of any other man or group. He came not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but he came in demonstration of the Spirit and Power of God, pointing the Ephesian Saints and all believers to disbelieve the Devil and believe the Revelation of The Word of God! Why? The great inspirational power of ‘Revelation’ will move ones failing hope from the limited, intellectual wisdom of man into a higher spiritual altitude of the limitless, immeasurable greatness of the ‘Revelation Knowledge’ found in Jesus Christ, and that is when the Word becomes quickened in you! That you may be filled with all the will of God and come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ! This is also why Satan hates ‘Revelation,’ it brings the ultimate Inspiration and will move the most humble praying believer into ‘Divine Heavenly’ action here on earth!

In John 14:12 Jesus Said “Verily, verily (I assure you most solemnly) I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do; shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

By Gene Wiseman



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