Revealed Unto Babes


Early one morning, just after awakening, I was lying in my bed meditating on the real meaning of ‘Revelation.’ I thought about why some seem to have a great hunger to know God in the ‘Supernatural,’ while others seem to be satisfied with less! While thinking on this, my mind began to go in the direction of the most profound simplicity of our Lord Jesus, while He was here in His earth walk as our Fathers first borne. The simple people He chose to follow Him, the way the poor and unlearned felt comfortable in His presence, and the greatness of His unsophisticated and uncomplicated manner of speaking. While laying there I began to remember how many of those simple words that He used to illustrate His Great Truths! He used such simple words and illustrations, you would think anyone from the most educated to the most illiterate could comprehend and understand what He was conveying. He often spoke of such pertaining to farming and gardening such as, Seed, Wheat, Wheat Fields, Tares, Corn, Grain, Harvest and Garners! He spoke of Vines, Vineyards, Vinedressers, Husbandman, Fruit, and Pruning Trees. He spoke to the people about Lambs, Sheep, Shephard’s, Sheep Fields, and Wolves. He spoke about a Donkey, a Colt, Barns, a Hen and Her Baby Chicks. He spoke of Oxen. He spoke of feeding swine. He spoke of Fish, a Scorpion, an Egg, a Piece of Bread and a Stone. He spoke of Fishing, Rivers, Streams, Wells, Springs, as well as Fowls of The Air, Sparrows, and Lilies of The Field, and let us not forget the way He came as a Baby, there were those Swaddling Clothes and a Manger. Then there was the Holy Spirit descending as a Dove!

With all the simple words as subjects of visual illustration to convey the gospel message of His Kingdom, yet there are those who still say I can’t understand the Bible! Why is this? One thing, many have gotten too smart to understand the simplicity of His speech in illustrating ‘Bible Truths. The profound simplicity of the Word of God goes far beyond the range of human or religious reasoning and therefore it goes right over the top of all their intellectualism!

While man has been so busy getting his head full of this world’s wisdom he failed to get understanding of the heart. That is the same wisdom gained by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which brought the great separation between man and the tree of life back there in the midst of the garden in Eden! Satan’s worldly, Babylonian wisdom will keep you separated from the tree of life and abundant living today if you sell out to it. Concerning the ‘Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil,’ so many overlook this Bible truth! Eve saw the tree to be good (suitable and desirable) for food. Next, she saw it pleasing to the eye (delightful to look upon) and ‘A Tree To Be Desired To Make One Wise,’ and right there is where the trouble all started. God did not ask Adam or Eve to go out searching and looking for wisdom, she did that on her own, He just ask them to believe what He had already spoken! Eve tried to reason with the Devil and right there is where this world’s ‘corrupt wisdom’ came from, and today it’s trying to gain greater and greater supremacy into our educational systems and raise up a godless generation. This is where the ‘corrupt religious wisdom’ comes from that has caused many to settle for only a form of godliness that denies the power thereof. It’s easy to see, all you have to do is just watch some of those in high places. You don’t have to listen to them very long to be able to know, this is where the wisdom comes from that weakens nations, rather than exalting nations. This wisdom gained by the ‘Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil,’ is the very wisdom many of our world leaders operate in, as well as many religious leaders. This world’s wisdom gained by Satan makes every attempt to discredit the Word of God that it may keep the people separated from the wonderful and glorious benefits of the ‘Tree of Life and abundant living.’

In Matt. 11:25-26, and again in Luke 10:21, Jesus said these words, “I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes; even so, Father; for as it seemed good in thy sight.” According to this scripture here, there are ‘Kingdom Truths’ of abundant living which are hidden from a certain group of people, ‘the wise and prudent’ (the great learned ones of this worlds wisdom, who trust in human reasoning) and revealed to another group, ‘babes.’ (The untaught, unskillful ones, such as would learn). This was the Fathers choice and His will! In His sight it was His good pleasure to hide these things, to keep these things secret, which relate to Salvation and His Kingdom, from the wise and learned of this world, and it continues to be hidden from that same group to this day. Paul, writing to Timothy, pointed that bunch out, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of truth.” (2 Timothy 3:7). The Father hid it from the wise and learned ones of this world, and found it pleasurable to do so! If something is hidden, it’s kept secret! The apostle Paul said in Ephesians 3:3, “By revelation He made known to me the mystery” (or the secret). He who is ‘Truth” found it good in His own sight to hide Himself in that which was not complicated by a bunch of religious theologians and academic scholars of educational and human reasoning! He hid Himself in that which is unsophisticated by this world’s standards! If God is not found in that which is complicated, then He has to be found in that which is simple, in simplicity! He hid Himself in that which seems foolish to this world, in order to confound the wise! He hid ‘Truth’ from this world’s wisdom, He hid it from human reasoning in such simple truth they couldn’t believe it because they were too smart. When a person or group closes themselves off from revelation, they are closing themselves off from God Himself. The Church is built on Revelation! Revelation doesn’t just start in the last book of the Bible, it starts in Genesis and continues all the way through, because all the Bible is Reveling God! Jesus said, “All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither no man knoweth the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will ‘REVEAL’ him.” (Matt 11:7). It takes the Holy Spirit to bring “Revelation of The Word” and for the Word to be quickened in your life.

Take a look at the unsophisticated and uncomplicated mannerism of John the Baptist, who was the chosen forerunner of Jesus appearing! The Word says, “I will send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare the way before me.” (Malachi 3:1, Isaiah 40:3, John 1:23). Nothing is recorded about him ever having even a first day of schooling, and here he comes on the scene talking about trees, axes and snakes. The man only has one mentioned garment and that was made of camel’s hair, only one mentioned menu and that was locust and wild honey. His words were simple! It was clear, He talked about a separation, a cleaning and clearing out the threshing floor, gathering wheat unto the barn and burning up the chaff. His cry was, “He that cometh after me is mightier than I.” Even though everything was taking place right before their eyes, just as the prophets had spoken, it was still going right on by them! They were too smart to listen and receive from such a man who would come on the scene in such a simple manner, one with such an unsophisticated appearance and vocabulary. The complicated religious and human reasoning of the Pharisee’s and Sadducee’s kept their heart blinded and separated from simple revelation truth. What was happening? God was hiding something from the wisdom of this world, and He hid it in what seemed to be perhaps the most unschooled and unsophisticated man of the hour! (Can’t you see, God is doing the same thing today?) Yet, when John saw Jesus coming to be baptized of him in the Jordan, he knew exactly who He was, and how did he know Him? By the spirit of Revelation!                                                                 

The written Word is powerful and wonderful! A good example is in Matthew Chapter 4! That book called the Bible can be a whole lot more to an individual than just a nice book with some nice quotes and verses! The same Spirit that authored that book is the same Spirit that will unveil hidden treasures and secrets that will make the Word alive in you! Walk in an awareness, a consciousness and do not permit this worlds wisdom to separate you from the Tree of Life and its glorious benefits of abundant living

In Matthew 19:14, as they were bringing little children to Jesus for Him to lay His hands upon them and pray, those who were bringing them were rebuked by Jesus own disciples and Jesus told them to leave those little children alone! Don’t you forbid them to come to me! Don’t you hinder them or try to restrain them, for such as these little children is the Kingdom of Heaven made up of. He used that to illustrate this is what His great Kingdom is composed of!

By Gene Wiseman


God Has A People In The Land


Revelation Brings Inspiration