Glory to God In The Highest

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Gene Wiseman

At the age of 24, brother Wiseman became an ordained, full time, Evangelist Missionary. For over 50 years he and Sister Wiseman have travelled around the world spreading the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sister Wiseman sang in the meetings, taught Sunday School and Bible classes, and raised their four children who accompanied them and sang in the meetings. Together, they ministered across the continent of Africa, including Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and other countries. They have preached God’s word in Russia, England, Columbia, Scotland, Jamaica, and Bahamas, holding miracle crusades. They have many testimonies, having seen God open the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf, and healings of many kinds, and deliverance from demonic oppression.

  • God Is In His Word Like The Germ of Life Is In The Seed! Put His Word In Your Heart, Water It Everyday And See What Happens!

    Gene Wiseman

  • It’s So Easy To Look To Men And Women of Great Anointing’s, Gifts And Revelations And Fail To See The One They Got It All From

    Gene Wiseman

  • It Was The Cry of A Poor Blind Man Who Got The Attention of Jesus Not A Polished Prayer of Eloquence But A Cry of Faith From A Poor Beggar

    Gene Wiseman

  • Only If I Could Measure All Eternity, Then I Would Measure The Strength of Your Divine Love! Thy Loving Kindness Is Better Than Life♥️♥️

    Gene Wiseman

  • The Gift of “Discerning of Spirits” Is Not To Discern The Person, A Little Dose of Common Sense Can Do That! It’s To Discern The “Spirit” of The Person!

    Gene Wiseman