By Faith Abel

“By Faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and by it he being dead yet speaketh.”

If Abel moved by faith in bringing his offering of worship to God, then what motivated Cain in bringing his offering? What inspired Abel to such an act of faith? What event or just what was it that compelled Cain in bringing his offering? Both Cain and Abel’s offering represented a form of life, one botany life and the other blood. Although both Cain and Abel were sincere in bringing their offerings of worship, God only had respect to Abel and his offering. Just like today, there are people who are sincere but at the same time it’s possible to be sincerely wrong. You better believe, Satan himself is sincere in his efforts to pervert the Word of God today. He is sincere in his efforts to steal, kill and destroy. The Word does not say it’s our sincerity that pleases God, although we must be sincere in our worship. 

Hebrews 11:6 “Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please God”. 

Cain had a sincere desire to impress with an appealing beauty to the natural eye. We can see in this how Cain was moving just like Eve his mother, when she fell for Satan’s beauty, reasoning and knowledge. Cain was being motivated by that which looked pleasing to the eye. Cain in his worship was moving by logic and reasoning while Abel was moving by a pure and simple unadulterated faith. The faith in Abel’s heart knew if his offering of worship was going to please God, someway somehow it would have to involve blood. Note How, Abel’s Faith Had A Strong Connection With Blood!

What happened after Eve forfeited her faith in exchange for that fruit and gave also unto Adam? They saw they were naked and started reaching for a covering. Now that faith could not grow in her they were moving by logic and human reasoning in their efforts to try covering themselves with those fig leaves. They were trying to cover their nakedness and with their logic it happened to be botany life, something beautiful to the eye but what did God cloth them with? That which involved blood.  (I see a strong connection here but I won’t get into it now “Save The Trees But Kill The Babies.”)

Right here we can see Cain taking after their works of human logic and reasoning and Abel taking after the work of God. Two completely different natures are showing up in these two. Cain, being motivated by something inside of him caused him to follow after and take up their works of logic and human reasoning. We see all that which looks pleasing to the physical senses involved in Cain’s offering of worship. While Abel, he took after the work of God and blood was involved in his Faith Offering of Worship. Adam and Eve tried covering themselves with fig leaves but what God clothed them with involved blood. Each of those boys offerings of worship dated back to these two coverings after Eve forfeited her faith in exchange for Satan’s wisdom. God Had Authored Faith and Satan Offered Them Wisdom! 

Eve, and her son Cain are like many religious groups and government leaders today who are taking Satan’s wisdom first and foremost above the Word of God! 

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (Prob. 14:12)

There is only one resting place for unadulterated faith and that is upon the Word of God. 

There is only one place to meet God and that is under the shed blood of Jesus Christ and He is The Word Made Flesh! There is only one place to meet a peace that goes beyond all understanding and that’s under the blood! There is only one place to find joy that floods the soul of mankind and that’s under the shed blood of Jesus Christ! 

Because of the filth, perversion and contamination of Satan’s wisdom in the earth this earth has been groaning and travailing. As the perversion grows from one generation to the next, we can hear the earths groaning getting stronger. In every age and dispensation of time. The earth is where the seed has been sowed. This earth is like a womb that has been flooded with the seed of Satan’s wisdom and she has been groaning to give birth to a new and glorious millennium.  She is groaning for the manifestation of The Son’s of God! When Eve accepted Satan’s wisdom, faith couldn’t grow in her but when Mary said “Be It Unto Me According To Thy Word” another seed came to earth, “Jesus, The Word Became Flesh! Jesus, The Royal Seed of Abraham”.   

When one denies the power of the blood they are following after Cain, of whom John 3:12 says, “was of that wicked one.” When one turns from the blood, they turn from their meeting place with Divine Love! When one turns from the shed blood of Jesus Christ they turn from their redemption. When you remove the blood, you remove your meeting place with The Prince of Peace!

For any generation to meet God it has to be under the Blood of Jesus! If we have revival it will have to take pace under the blood!  

Abel’s worship was packed full of faith and sacrifice! Comparing Abel’s offering of worship to Cain’s offering of worship. Abel’s had no beauty whatsoever to the natural eye but it did Pleased God!

If turning from faith in the Word of God brought dark contamination to the earth then there is only one thing that can turn the Light of purity back on and that is returning to faith in the Word of God!

True worship may not always be something beautiful and pleasing to the religious programs of man or the natural senses. However, The True Worshipers, Worshiping The Father in Spirit And In Truth Will Shake World Systems And Give Birth To An End-Time Holy Ghost Revival



The Word Produced Himself Word Seed!


The Womb of The Spirit