The Womb of The Spirit

To guard your heart Is to guard your mind. 

Keep Thy Heart With All Diligence For Out of It Are The Issues of Life (Proverbs 4:23)

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiah 26:3).

Your mind could very easily be termed the womb of your spirit, “For Out of It (your spirit/ your heart) Flows The Issues of Life”, If we allow our mind to have an intercourse of communication with Satan’s filth then we are opening up the channel for our spirit to conceive of that.

The words of Jesus gives us a clear example of this in Matthew 5:28. “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” He is clearly making it known, what comes into your mind, what comes into your thought realm if you don’t take authority over it, it will channel its way right into your heart. If it’s allowed to stay in your mind, it will gestate until it’s birthed from the heart. 

Right here is the entrance Satan is using against the children of this generation in an all out attack on their minds. Therefore, Satan calls upon his subjects in high places to weaken the authority and influence of parental rights. Satan moves in high places to enforce indoctrination of his perversion and corruption, which is the same thing as brain washing. Your children were not conceived by or given birth to, by a group of elected government officials.

Ever since Eden, Satan has taken the Truth of God to pervert it or corrupt it. That’s what he did in Eden. He took the Word of God and by changing only one word he sowed his evil seed of corruption in the earth. The very word, Perversion, is “The alteration of something from its original course, meaning or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended”. 

Let it be known, The darkness that tries to blanket this earth is the systems of Satan’s anti-Christ kingdom at work. Even though The True Church knows the destiny of Satan it doesn’t mean he is not presently working to seek out a generation for the establishing of his dark kingdom here on earth. Satan wants to mentally rape the mind, and bring about a gross dark conception in the womb of the spirit. He seeks to plant his seed of doubt, fear, unbelief and corruption of any kind into the spirit of man. Therefore, he goes to the mind, the womb of the spirit. I came across an article and was amazed at the percentage of mental illness amongst the youth of this nation, The Land of The Free!

Amongst college students’ mental illness of stress and anxiety is at an all-time high. Amongst our youth, mental illness causing suicide is at an all-time high. The staggering high percent of mental depression from youth to seniors. On this raging battleground of the mind, the victory can only be won by the power of Truth, The Word of God and Serving The Lord With Gladness! Strong fervent intercession must be made against this wicked and evil assignment! Ministers of the gospel, as well as government leaders who are not afraid to cry out against the ungodly perversion of this hour and those who are proclaiming the one and only remedy, they all need our prayers and support!

Romans 12:2 Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of Go. Even on the battleground of the mind there is away to be kept in perfect peace by keeping your mind stayed upon the Lord!

To guard your heart is to guard your mind and by guarding your mind you are guarding thy womb of your spirit! 

it must be done “With All Diligence” Remember! 

Satan knows he has but a short time and The Kingdoms of This World Will Become The Kingdoms of Out Lord 


By Faith Abel


The Voice of Rachel