The Voice of Rachel

The Rachel’s Are Crying Out For Their Children!

Corrupt Systems Cannot Silence Her!

Matt 4:16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise-men, was exceedingly wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the costs thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men. (17) Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying. (18) In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentations, and weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they were not.

Jacob’s wife Rachel had wanted children so badly she had once cried out, Give Me Children or I Will Die. After that she conceived and gave birth to her first-born named Joseph. Later she conceived once again and when she went into hard labor she died while giving birth to her second son Benjamin 

I am reminded of one of my trips to Russia when I was traveling alone, I would be meeting with two young guys in St Petersburg who would take me to visit a church in a small village. After I arrived and made the connection, we made an overnight train trip to be in a service the following day. The sight of the small poor looking village brought back a lot of childhood memories of the Appalachian coal camp villages where I lived the first years of my life.

There in the crowded humble little house that was used for a place of worship, I found myself in the presence of a group of Jews who loved Jesus. Oh, if I had only realized at that time the full significance of where God had brought me. As I look back on that visit to that humble setting, I must feel a little like Jacob, when he awaked out of his sleep and said, Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.

I noticed everyone present looked very much elderly and after a while it became evident there were no younger children to be seen, so I inquired why no children or young people. They proceeded to tell me how the KGB had taken all their children away when they were very young, supposedly to a camp which was explained to be more of a recreational gathering. They told me, after a week or two of the KGB taking their children, the government refused to let the children return home to their parents. All these families were told by government authorities, their children were all mentally unstable and needed help and therefore kept their children isolated from the parents. At the time they were telling me this they said, their children were now grown, married and had children of their own and had just begun getting back in touch with them. However, their children had been so indoctrinated with the communist system their children were very reluctant in having a restored close relationship with them. Through it all, these precious saintly people had kept their faith in The Word of God and were still believing in The Restoration of All Things!

Think About It! Today in our nation this United States of America, concerned parents are labeled hate groups. Many of the active leaders in our educational system wants the parents to be kept isolated from what the system is teaching and making available to our children. Many promoters of the system want the parents isolated from the books and pictures made available in the children’s library.

Satan in the power of his trinity, (1) A Corrupt Babylonian Style Government System. (2) False Religion. (3) Science. These three made one want to use their power in trying to do the same thing today by hijacking the family for the use of a corrupt system. 

Satan Cannot Silence the Voice of Rachel From Crying Out For Her Children! 

Today in this country there are members of the educational system who wants to silence the voice of a concerned Rachel! The Rachel’s of this day refuses to be comforted by false hopes and lying spirits. I am not against education but I stand against a corrupt perverted system. The Church, The Rachel’s in this day and age needs to strongly pray forth the fullness of promise in MALACHI 4:5, The restoring of the spirit of The Prophet Elijah to turn the heart of the children back to the fathers. The Real Rachel’s of This Day, hold to the promise of God and refuses to find comfort in a perverted corrupt system! Her Faith, Rest Upon The Promised Word of God!


The Womb of The Spirit


Overcoming the Spirit of the World