Overcoming the Spirit of the World

“For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body….” (1 Co 12:13).

For by one Spirit we are baptized into heavenly places. By one Spirit we are baptized into a land of promise and now The Holy Spirit Is Saying, Enjoy it! 

There were three parts of Israel’s journey, the Exodus, the Wilderness and Possessing Canaan, (The Promise Land). They ate from the garlic pots in Egypt. They ate manna in the wilderness. Then the time came for them to eat from Canaan, their promise land. Just because they were in Canaan didn’t mean they were free from war but as long as they stayed with the Word they were totally victorious and free from harm. As long as they stayed with the Word they were triumphantly going forward.  As long as they were with The Word the walls of Jericho came down, giants were brought low, the sun stood still. They had now come from the garlic pots of Egypt to eating of the fruits of Canaan. However, suddenly there was a halt in their forward victory and all because of one man’s covetousness, his greed and lust. His disobedience and yielding to his fleshy desires stopped the complete nation from going forward. He went after the gold, the silver and the luxurious Babylonian garment. These same three things would love to stop us today. The dependency on a Babylonian covering, the love and dependency of silver and gold. Without repentance don’t expect the Grace of God to just simply overlook the sin of unbelief and disobedience! Don’t permit anything to distract you from the Word! In the midst of a world of chaos where a battle is raging the Holy Spirit wants to lift you up into heavenly places. Heavenly places of visions and revelations. Heavenly places of health and prosperity. He wants to lift you up above it all into heavenly places of peace and joy. Baptized into Christ and blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. (Ep 1:3). There is righteousness, peace and joy in this Holy Ghost Kingdom! While this world’s systems are being shaken and falling apart the spirit filled believer is baptized into an eternal Kingdom and seated with the Messiah. Faith is our victory that overcomes the world and to overcome the world is to overcome the spirit of the world.  How do we fight the good fight of faith? How do we overcome the spirit of the world? We Go Forward In The Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ! We Overcome By The Blood of The Lamb And The Word of Our Testimony! We Overcome With A Steady Hand of Faith Embracing The Sword of The Spirit! We Cast Down Imaginations, And Every High Thing That Exalts Itself Against The Knowledge of God, And Bring Into Captivity Every Thought To The Obedience of Christ. 

We Eat And Live Not By Bread Alone, But By Every Word That Proceedeth Out of The Mouth of God! We Drink From A Never Exhausted Fountain of Life! In the presence of our enemy we are seated with the Messiah and will feast from our Promise Land! They that know their God shall be strong and do exploits!


The Voice of Rachel


Believe In Your Weapon