The Word Produced Himself Word Seed!

I view this as one of the greatest if not the greatest miracles of all time.

John 14:25 Jesus said “Verily, verily, I say unto you. Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it dies, it bringeth forth much fruit.”

So many read this and fail to recognize that Jesus was actually speaking of himself. Jesus would have to fulfill this scripture here In order for Him to reproduce Himself. When He, the Word became flesh, He became Word-Seed, seed that would fall into the ground and die, but to only bring forth fruit after His kind. This Word Seed will not and cannot mix through hybridization.

That which this seed produces is more like God than religion wants us to know. The reproduction law of God is for every seed to bring forth after it’s kind. When the Word seed that’s in the born-again believer gets watered by the Spirit, it produces nothing less than the very works of God in that individual. Man in His image was the seed of His Word. Then after Eve forfeited the Word for Satan’s wisdom, we needed a redeemer.

St. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. 

In the parable of the sower Jesus said, “The seed is the Word of God”.  The Word Himself became a tiny human cell in the womb of that little Jewish virgin and the Christ Child was formed. The Word Himself Became His Word Seed.

Deep within the seed of corn lies the embryo or the germ of life but the outer shell (seed coat) of that seed has to die and break open before that germ of life comes forth and reproduces itself. Oh My, can’t you see the work of Calvary in this? Can’t you see the purpose of the death, burial and resurrected in this?

John 1:14 “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory as the only begotten of the Father.) full of grace and truth”.

The Word Himself Was Made Flesh and In Him, in His blood was the germ of life that contained the power to reproduce Himself. In His blood was the germ cell that would bring forth after His kind. This germ of life would have to flow forth from the fountain of Emmanuel’s veins. His flesh would have to be smitten and like seed it would have to fall into the ground and die. His body of flesh would have to be smitten and broken open for that germ of life to sprout forth and reproduce Himself.


In His blood lies the power of regeneration. In His blood lies the power of atonement for mans transgressions. In His blood lies the very life of God. In His blood lies the restoration of all things. His blood came from His Father who was neither Jew nor Gentile. His Father Was The Spirit, God Himself. Just like Moses smote the rock and water came forth to quench the desperate thirst of a nation, so would Jesus be smitten to quench the thirst of fallen man. Moses, with his rod of judgment smote that rock and water came forth. That rod in Moses’s hand meant judgement to Egypt and deliverance to Israel. Jesus, “The Rock” was brought forth into the judgement Hall to stand before the judgement seat of Pilate. His flesh, the outer part of that Word Seed had to be smitten and be broken open in order for both blood and water to come forth. 


The embryo of the plant seed is like a miniature plant that can develop into a mature tree or plant. There are 3 parts of a plant seed. (1) The shell or seed coat. (2) The embryo. (3) Endosperm tissue, which is the nutritional material that provides food to the embryo. John 3:7 There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and. The Holy Spirit: and these three are one. (8) There are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

Remember, just because the seed is dormant does not mean it’s not alive. It may be in the embryonic stage but that is still a part of the plant life cycle. 

When that cell was broken open back there at Calvary and that germ of life came forth from “The Word Made Flesh” a tree, a plant came forth. Never think for one moment man took His life. Jesus said, “I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again”.

In Matthew 13:31 immediately following the parable of the sower, Jesus speaks another parable involving seed. “The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard  seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field. (32) Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it grows, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof”.

In gardening, first the seed has to be planted and before the life can grow or sprout forth it must first die. The life sprouts from the embryo into a new plant leaving behind the seed coat shell.

From The Word Seed, A Kingdom Tree Came Forth At Pentecost! From Jesus, The Word Seed, A New Breed of People Was Born On Earth. In Genesis 1:11 The command came forth for every seed to bring forth after his kind. The New Covenant Word Seed Will Only Bring Forth After His Own Kind. 

Though the Palmer-worm, Locust, Cankerworm and Caterpillar hath tried to devour This Kingdom Tree she still stands. This Glorious Kingdom Tree Is The Church Triumphant! She Is The Bride of Christ! According to the words of Jesus in Matthew 13:32, This Kingdom Tree is the greatest of all trees. Let it be known, If this tree ever puts forth a new branch it will have to fall right in line with that of Acts 2. 


The Greatest Instrument In God’s Economy


By Faith Abel