The Greatest Instrument In God’s Economy

Many say they have it but when one expresses it, they show they have it. Many do not realize there is a world of difference between the affections of the soul of man and the Love of God that is shed abroad in the heart of a child of God. There Is No Greater Instrument In God’s Economy Than Love!

Time alone has confirmed, affections and emotions of the soul is not capable of getting the job done! It’s got to be from your heart, from a born-again spirit and that goes much, much deeper than just your soul! 

Sad to say, many good people don’t know the difference between affections and emotions of the soul and a heart filled with God’s Love. Many a good people to often try to get spiritual things accomplished by mere emotions and affections of the sou rather than the heart. 

Simply by reading the Word of God it is made clearly evident that there is no greater instrument in God’s economy than Love! 

Economy defined is this (1) “The wealth and resources of a country, a nation, a region or domain, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services”. (2) “Careful management of available resources”. 

You can clearly see just by looking around at current world events, an economy whose management is controlled by corrupt leaders can be a failing economy. That doesn’t mean there is not a great treasure of natural resources that God has already provided. Corruption and the desire for power and manipulate can be in the management of production over available natural resources, and that can bring about an extreme scarce supply of goods resulting in a failing economy.

It’s utterly impossible to overemphasis this, In God’s Economy There Is No Greater Instrument Than Love. When His Love Is Projected, And Expressed, Sovereign Grace Picks It Up And Takes Care of The Rest.

However, this must not be forgotten! As long as you hold onto fear this great instrument of Love cannot do for you, or through you what He was projected to do. The spirit that’s in the world would like nothing more than The Church, The Bride to live in a torment of fear and lack. The heirs of God do not draw from a storehouse of a scarce supply.

1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love”.

You can’t live off of God’s economy hiding out in some cave because of a tormenting fear.

The biggest scripture in all the Bible is the one most little children learn in Bible School, John 3:16. I don’t call that scripture the biggest because of the amount of space it’s printing takes up on the page. I call it the biggest because of the value of what the print is saying. This scripture is a written pardon for all of Adam’s fallen race. However, It’s up to the pardoned person whether they accept the pardon or reject it, In St John 1:29 John says,

“Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world”.

That means every sinner has already been pardoned but they have to accept it. No one can be forced to receive their pardon. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. 

First, God Loved. Next, His Love Was Projected, It Was Sent Forth. Third, Through Christ Sovereign Grace Stepped Out, Took Over And Done The Rest.

When God Projected Love, He Expressed His Feelings, He Projected His Will Then Christ Stepped Out And Grace Took It From There. Sovereign Grace picks up and projects what that love. was projected toward. 

When you feel like you are on trial, by the accuser of the brethren, just present your written pardon into Satan’s court proceedings. 


John 1;14  He, Jesus, was full of Grace and Truth. 

The Divine Love of God projected to us, reaches out and makes us apart of Him. Then, when that one person really receives His Love, they become a part of God’s economy. You can’t receive Him without receiving His Love, for “God Is Love”. I Tell You, There Is Absolutely No Greater Instrument In His Economy Than Love! Elisha, in his day was a part of God’s great economy. Elijah, in his day was a part of God’s never-failing economy. 

When that group in Acts chapter 2 came out of the upper room they were apart of God’s economy. Look in Hebrews the eleventh chapter, they were all apart of Gods economy in their day. Just like there is a treasure of resources in this earth that we walk upon, there is a bountiful supply of heavenly treasures in a new creature that is born from above.  

All the scholarships, all the prestige, all the educational degrees, they are all fine but they can fail you. The Word Declares “Love Never Fails”.

Oh my, the wealth of His domain can be drawn from His inexhaustible fountain of love. By and through the Baptism of Holy Ghost and Fire, we can feast from His economy even in the presence of our enemies. This is the revival that wants to be manifest in His End-Time Bride. There is no shortage whatsoever in His miraculous economy! 

Only Believe!



Blind And Don’t Know It


The Word Produced Himself Word Seed!