The Bride of Christ Revival


Many times in the past, as well as in some circles here in the present when the word “Revival” is used, it is in reference to a powerful and glorious move of God. Upon that, let me say, churches and fellowships have had Revival’s. There have been outbreaks of Revival’s in different ages of time, and in different areas of the world. There has been Revival outbreaks in some of the most humble, rural, remote, and back-wood areas you could name, as well as all the way to our most metropolitan areas. There have been Revival outbreaks taken place in home prayer meetings. Outbreaks of Revival In tents, in store front missions, brush arbors, and schools. We find some of these Revivals have been termed, healing Revivals, miracle Revivals or Holy Ghost Revivals.

The Time Has Now Arrived For The End-Time Bride of Christ To Have Revival!

Different groups have had their moves, some were real God sent / Heaven sent Revival, while others were simply nothing more than worked up religious emotions of the flesh. You may ask, where, what church, the location, with whom will this Revival break out?

I Am Talking About The Entire End-Time Bride Of Christ From The Four Corners Of The Earth,

She Alone Will Be The Burning Torch Of This End-Time Revival!

This Revival in its fullness will be different than any other previous Revival Move in all of history! This Revival is not for just one little church group stuck off in the corner somewhere claiming she alone is the Bride of Christ. This end-time Revival will not be in any other name than the name of her heavenly groom who has chosen her! Not one little “Church” building will be able to hold it, neither will you be able to construct a building strong enough to house it! No religious denomination will be able to claim a patent upon it! No national government will be able to stop it! No praise team, no one preacher, teacher, or apostle will be able to claim themselves to be the birthing parent of this Bride of Christ Revival!

The End Time Bride Of Christ Is A Body Made Up Of A People Out Of Every Kindred Nation And Tongue!

A people who have separated themselves from the world! A people who have been united with the WORD! A people who are not afraid to carry the name of Jesus! She, This End Time Bride of Christ will be vindicated by the Spirit and claimed by all power in heaven and in earth! Yes, there will be those who are steeped in their religious traditions who are going to miss out!

Child of God, Don’t you dare be discouraged because you see the tares coming together and having their little anti-Christ revival now! As the little tares go on and laugh, using a deceived media as a stage for their mocking, you stay focused on ‘Thus Saith The Word.’ 

For it is not by might, nor is it by power, but it is by “His Spirit,” the true Spirit of Christ that He Himself will claim with great power of vindication His Chosen End-Time Bride! Therefore be not afraid, but lift up your head and rejoice, for this is the day the Lord hath made!

By Gene Wiseman


Praying For Praying Against


Revelation Held In Reserve