Revelation Held In Reserve


Often when someone hears you say “Revelation” the only thought that will come into their mind will be, “you must be talking about the last book in the Bible.” Let it be known, the Bible, throughout its entirety, from Genesis to Revelation, is the Revelation of God! The complete Church is built upon the Revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ, God incarnate in the Son! The only way to know God is by and through spiritual Revelation of the Word! Through Revelation, the written Word becomes something more than just a nice little book of inscribed letters, sentences and quotes! It takes the Holy Spirit to quicken the Word to you, in order for the Word to become alive in you!

The Revelation came to John in a series of visions during a time when the Roman Empire had unleashed an intense hatred, tribulation and persecution against the early believers in an all-out attempt to stop the church. Just as Satan would love to and has attempted to annihilate all of Israel, so has he launched his vigorous attempts of diabolical hatred to stop the Church! The world did not only hate and despise the Christians’ spiritual and moral beliefs, they hated the people in so much that they wanted them either imprisoned or killed. John, in speaking to fellow Christians, refers to himself as their brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdom (Revelation 1:9). But, we also find that God was with John in such a way that all the works of his angered executioners became vain! Though John had been imprisoned, all the violent angered officials of the Roman Empire along with the rest of his anti-Christian persecutors became powerless against John and he returned from that destitute Island called Patmos, that housed convicts, to Ephesus, where many historians say he later became pastor. I want you to get at least a little picture of how dark it was when John had these series of visions and Revelation! Look how dark it was in Egypt just before that glorious exodus of the nation of Israel!

Revelation 1:3 “Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this ‘PROPHECY’ and keepeth those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand.”        Get that, ‘the words of this prophecy,’ and that’s exactly what it was “Prophecy.” This should make it unquestionable that Revelation can come through the words of prophecy! Revelation came to Joseph in dreams! Revelation came to Daniel through dreams and visions. When it’s true Revelation of God, it will always be right in line with the His Word.

The last book in the Bible is called “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”. Do not fail to take note, one of the first things that John says, with full clarity, concerning these series of visions is “I Was In The Spirit On The Lords Day.” Right there is the first step in coming to Revelation. It is being in the Spirit! If anything comes to us from God it has to come to us from The Word and revealed to us by The Holy Spirit! If John had to be in the Spirit of God to receive such Revelation, then we will have to be in the Spirit to receive and understand Revelation. We must pray in the Spirit! We must worship in the Spirit! We must sing in the Spirit! We must preach in the Spirit! Jude said “But ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.” That means praying in the Spirit! In the early part of John’s series of visions, Jesus is revealed walking in the midst of the seven golden candle sticks (or seven golden lampstands) which are the seven churches in Asia, with seven stars in his right hand. Take note of this, seven candlesticks or lamp-stands symbolic of the seven churches and the seven stars symbolic of the seven angels or seven messengers to the seven churches. I want you to notice that both candlesticks and stars denote a connection of light in the midst of a darkness and they both rely upon another source to give them the ability to give light. The Church Cannot Accomplish Anything Alone. It Takes The Oil of The Holy Spirit To Give Light To The People. Just as it required oil for the lampstand to give forth light so is it spiritually for the Church! (Christ Revealed In His Church) The stars, even those seven stars in His right hand, they have no ability to produce light on their own! Stars are like the moon. They can only reflect the light of a greater source, the sun! In the natural, the light of both lamps and stars are seen in a time of darkness. How many times have we said this ourselves or either heard someone else say, “Look how many stars have come out tonight?” John sees Jesus revealing Himself in a precise and descriptive way as He is walking in the midst of His Church, the Church that He purchased with His own blood. John sees Him walking in the midst of and illuminous, Glorious Church that is built upon the Revelation of Jesus Christ! He sees Him walking in the midst of the Church that the gates of hell cannot prevail against!

As much as possible try to get the reality of the setting of John in those great days of “Visions and Revelation”! It was a time of darkness and great manifestation of diabolical hatred that had risen up against the church. The world would have done anything to try to stop those believers, even if it meant the sheading of blood. Even to this very day, the haters of God and anti-Christian persecutors have never concerned themselves with hiding their diabolical hatred or their extreme unfavorable opinion of those who believe in the power of Jesus’ Name! According to most historians, John had been exiled to the Isle of Patmos, a place of deadly surroundings used for punishable offences under the Roman legal system. Remember, the spirit of this world knows it can’t stop the true believer. Therefore, it will try to destroy the vessel that the gospel light is shining through!

God was with John in such a way that he was far more than a match for the satanic, religious and political powers of hatred and darkness in his day! It was a dark time to say the least! Oh can you imagine just how dark this world became after the crucifixion and the departure of Christ’s physical body from this earth. Now we know that same darkness is in the world today. There were only a small number in that day which had knowledge of the promise of another comforter that would come to them, enabling them to do the same works as Jesus Christ. That comforter came to them at the Pentecost of Acts Chapter 2 in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Now today we receive from that same spiritual outpouring that has been down through the ages! Though some are not aware, in some ways we presently stand in a much more dangerous time today than in those days of John! We are at a time of great deception with Religious Spirits and people deceiving and being deceived! A time when Satan is putting greater efforts in his on-going attempts to deceive the very elect of God! In the days of the persecution of the early church, yes, they suffered physically, many were beheaded and they stepped right on into those glorious eternities. However, today it is undeniably evident many are falling into the great end-time trap of deception from the religious arena all the way to the political arena. Satan is at work an all-out attempt to try to deceive the very elect of God, which we know according to the Word is impossible to do. There is deception in the media! Deception in lying prophets and lying politicians! 2 Timothy 3:12-13 Says, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” We are in a time of people being possessed with an extreme anger and hatred that is accompanied by pride and haughtiness! A time of calling that which is good evil and calling that which is evil good. This world is experiencing an end-time gross darkness covering a people! While on the other hand, let us not forget, Zachariah spoke of an evening time light, saying, “There shall be light in the evening time.” (Zechariah 14:7). The ‘True Church of Jesus Christ’ is the only and I repeat, ‘The Only, True Light’ in this dark world and satan cannot put out her light! Satan stands powerless in the light of the Gospel! In this time of world darkness let us stand with the apostle Paul and say “I Will Come To Visions And Revelations Of The Lord.” (2 Corinthians 12:1).

“And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write; and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.” Revelation 10:4). Satan himself doesn’t even know what John heard from these seven voices of thunder that he was about to write.

Watch these three powers that make up Satan’s trinity: political, religion and demon powers! Once again, as this dark diabolical hatred fills the anti-Christian move with people deceiving and being deceived, the illuminating power of ‘Revelation Knowledge’ is going to flood the True Church of Jesus Christ in a way like never before! (I believe this has already begun.) End-Time Revelation and Mysteries being revealed that have been hidden from the foundation of the world will cause the fountains of the deep to spring forth in every true believer. Revelation that brings translation faith! Revelation that brings health and biblical prosperity to every member of the body of Christ!

“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness (shall give forth light) as the stars for ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” (Daniel 12:3-4). Catch this and don’t let go of it “Until,” up to a point of time. What time? “Time of the end.” In the end-time it will no longer be shut up! The seal will be broken and the words will be unveiled and he that hath an ear will hear!

In this present time of such a high level of dark political and religious deception trying to blanket the nations of the world and while haters of God are joining themselves together, let the Church of The Lord Jesus join together from the four corners of the earth in fervent prayer! Praying for greater Revelation of the Word, even as Paul prayed for greater enlightenment for the Ephesians Saints. Pray for Revelation that has been hidden, Revelation the prophets were not permitted to write about, Revelation mysteries that have been held in reserve for the latter times to be unfolded and unveiled,  Revelation that will move The Church into a higher degree of Kingdom action bringing forth the very manifest Sons of God! (Romans 8:19) and Revelation that will bring nothing less than translation faith to every member of the Bride of Christ!

What The Voices of Thunder Have Uttered No Diabolical Power Will Be Able To Stop, Be It Religious Or Political!

Let Us Rejoice And Be Exceedingly Glad That He Has Chosen Us To Shine As The Brightness Of The Firmament In This Hour Of World Political And Religious Darkness!

by Gene Wiseman


The Bride of Christ Revival


God Has A People In The Land