Praying For Praying Against


Have you ever heard the song “Give God The Glory?” I love the way it starts out “Give God the glory and He will give you the victory.” Then toward the end it moves into a line that says, “Satan The Blood of Jesus Is Against You.” Some sing that part “Satan the Blood is against you. You are not welcome here.” I am reminded of the scripture in Genesis 4:10, Cain had murdered his brother Abel, and the Lord said to Cain, “The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” Then in Hebrews 12:24, we are told of Jesus being the mediator of the new covenant and how that his blood is now speaking. This should be enough to let us know the Blood has a voice. A voice for, and a voice against! This is needful to remember in our conversation, and also in our praying! Yes, we will pray for the leaders of our nation, but let it be known to all, I can assure you as Christian believers our praying will not stop there! We will also be a strong, prayerful and steadfast voice against what many of our political national leaders are trying to do against our nation. We often hear Biblical teachings, sermons, and exhortations on the subject of “What We Should Pray For” and yet we often forget there are some things we need to be praying against! While the Blood is crying out for some things, the Blood is also crying out against some things! At the original Passover in Egypt the applied blood STOOD AGAINST death! Yet at the same time it was STANDING FOR the Nation of Israel to preserve every individual, but remember they had to first apply it right out in the open in order for it to work. If you are going to stand for what is Godly and right, then that means you have to stand just as strongly against what is evil and wrong. Leviticus 17:11 tells us the life of the flesh is in the blood! While your blood cells are working for you, they are on the look-out and ready to militantly attack any alien germ that has worked its way into your body. What am I saying? Apply the voice of the Shed Blood of Jesus to your praying, and don’t be afraid to cry out, not only for, but against! Yes, God had everything in Control that dark night in Egypt at the time of the Passover, but if Israel was going to be blessed and preserved during those series of dark events, they had to do their part individually. They had to apply the Blood and display it right out in the open! We will declare and prayerfully apply the voice of the Shed Blood of Jesus against that spirit of death in our nation! We will prayerfully give voice and apply the Shed Blood of Jesus against all spiritual wickedness operating in high places! We apply the Blood of Jesus against the rulers of the darkness of this world! Against every spirit that is exalting itself against the saving knowledge of God! We prayerfully and openly give our voice over to the voice of the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ as we stand against this demonic activity that is trying to weave its corruption throughout our “True American” system of Democracy and Government! We apply the Blood against any and all political fraudulent, and deceptive activity that is trying to work its way into our national 2020 election! We are not ashamed to stand openly and lift our voice as a trumpet in applying the Blood of Jesus against all those who seek to destroy and bring our nation down to some godless, baby killing, poverty stricken, sin-sick nation of putrid incest! We prayerfully and boldly apply the shed Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ against every wicked and corrupt influence that is dominating the minds of our elected officials causing them to stand against the Word of God, and we call the United States of America to be a Sheep Nation and not a goat nation! Church, Remember and never forget it, as dedicated followers of Jesus Christ the responsibility and challenge of the hour rest upon us! While we have something to “Pray For,” we also have something to “Pray Against!”

My Dear Friend, As a believer in the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ, I pray and declare over you, the voice of the Shed Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, which speaks better things than that of righteous Abel! I pray the Blessing of the Lord be increased and multiplied in every area of your life as we continue to join hands and bravely stand against this dark enemy who comes only to steal, kill and destroy. “We Have The Victory!”

Brother Gene Wiseman


Why The Shepherds


The Bride of Christ Revival