The Prevailing Power of Revelation


Revelation can be preached or it can be taught but it can only be heard by spiritual hearing! Jesus, Himself said “Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto you”. Revelation of the Word of God only comes by spiritual endowment! It has to be revealed by God! Yes, we accept the Bible as a book of great truths of God and believe it to be so: We can learn to memorize and recite its scriptures and this is all wonderful and beautiful. However, For the Word to become real to the individual, revelation has to be there. The Church is built upon revelation! Jesus said so Himself when He put forth this question to His disciples saying, “Whom do men say that I the Son of Man am”? After various answers were given, He asked His disciples directly “Whom say ye that I am”? Simon Peter answered “Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God”. Give close attention to Jesus response “Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee. That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Mat 16-13:19) “. This revelation was not furnished to Simon Peter by human endowment but was given to him by The Spirit. Jesus said “My Father” has “Revealed” this unto you. The church is built upon revelation and the enemy knows it. This is why the Devil hates that last book in the Bible, It reveals Jesus Himself in His Church as well as His future works! It exposes Satan’s venomous antichrist strategies against the church and reveals his destruction and he hates that. The last book in the Bible pulls the cover back and exposes precisely who Satan is, this is why he hates it and would love to destroy its authenticity and would love to discredit the words written therein. The enemy, through spiritual wickedness in high places will work through religious theologians; those in the field of science in all effort to attack and discredit this book called the Bible. He will do all he can to take away confidence in the Word. The Devil knows the church that is operating in full gear as described in Mark 16 is the true church and all else is nothing more than counterfeit. “The Book of Revelation” Shows how Satan will try to inflict the church with the antichrist spirit to defile it in an attempt to make it nothing more than some religious and powerless institution. It reveals and exposes his designed and destructive attempts to annihilate not only part of Gods people but all of Gods people. However, The Book of Revelation takes us right to the time of Satan being cast into the lake of fire and to “The Glory of The New Jerusalem” and oh how he hates it. Satan knows if the true Church, the true men and women of God get a hold of revelation they will do the “Grater Works”. He knows if the church gets full revelation of the two spirits “Antichrist” and “Christ” they will be an army of people incapable of him ever overcoming! He knows if they get revelation his gates of hell will not be able to prevail against them! He knows if they get true revelation of the Word they will be an invincible army of believers! The Devil knows according to Mathew 16 the “True Church” is built on revelation, it is their strong rock, their foundation! The Devil himself knows there is no prevailing power stronger than “Revelation of The Word of God” not even the gates of hell and Jesus Is “The Word”! To the true Sons of God, you can never over express the importance of True Revelation of God’s Word!

By Gene Wiseman


Who Are They?


We Are And We Know It