The Beginning of the Creation of God


If the Holy Spirit would have just given life to a human egg or ovum supplied by Mary, then His body would have been produced by mankind and at that, sinful mankind. “Wherefore when He cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me” (Heb. 10:5). The physical body of the last Adam was not a product of sinful mankind, “A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me”. According to the Word, God Himself prepared the body, not Mary! The Word Himself became cellular tissue and formed His body. God coming into the world created in the form of man! He was the beginning of the “New Creation”! He was the first born of the dead! He was the first born of many brethren! The first born and “the head of the body, the church”! This makes Him the first born of the newly created race (Col. 1:18). In Revelations 3:14 He introduces Himself to the last church mentioned, the church of the Laodiceans, as “The beginning of the creation of God”. He is saying He is the author and origin, the beginning or the author of the creation of God! He is the beginning or the beginner of Gods newly created race! Here He is addressing the Church, therefore it has to do with the Church and another creation other than just a physical creation. Yes He is the creator of the physical creation! “All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3). However, here In Revelations He stands in the very midst of the church revealing Himself as the author or beginner of another creation, a spiritual creation! This word “New Creature” or “New Creation” clearly signifies with no unmistakable impression, another creation different and distinct from the “Old” and He is identifying Himself as the first or beginning of that new creation! It is clear and evident the complete human race is part of the old creation and part of the old creation order. “Therefore if any man be IN CHRIST he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). This lets us know man is of the old creation order but now, through the new birth we become new creatures. By the Holy Spirit He is now creating Sons unto Himself! Sons of another race! “For we are His workmanship, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:10). “In Christ” that means through a Divine union the now believer is now of the new creation order! Now of this new and distinct race! Of now faith! He has put on the new man and off with the old! (Eph. 4:24). Let it be known to all powers, principalities and spiritual wickedness, Satan prepare for defeat! There is an end-time awakening taking place amongst the new creation of God! A new race, out of every kindred, nation and tongue! They are destined, chosen and ordained of Deity and they know it! 

By Gene Wiseman


The Self Proclaimed Bride


The Battle of Two Forces